2022 President's Vlog
Introduction clip-
MDAD LOGO in the color of yellow, red, and white which represents Maryland state flag appeared, then transitioned to a different screen : The title “President’s Vlog, 2022” appeared on the red background. Then transitioned to the next clip where Kirsten Posten was signing in ASL:
Hello!! My name is Kirsten Poston. Let me describe myself physically- I have light skin with salt peppered hair in a bun. I am wearing a black shirt with a logo of MDAD in the color of yellow, red, and white which represents Maryland state flag on the upper left. This is the first president’s vlog!!
(Screen transitions to another screen with each topic- with no image description changes. Kirsten continued to sign in each clip)
Hello Marylanders,
I hope everyone had a great summer. MDAD has been very busy since November 2021 when the new Board was elected. We are looking forward to getting back to work on some very important initiatives that will improve our quality of life in the State of Maryland. I am committed to have regular communication with you, MDAD members and the community.
MDAD had a historical moment when we held our first virtual Biennial State Conference in November 2021, with approximately 90 MDAD members in attendance. We couldn't have done this without sponsors. We thank you for your support to the organization. The conference was successful.
Board of Directors for 2021-2023:
President - Kirsten Poston
Vice President - Tina Joyner
Secretary - Jacob Leffler
Treasurer - Marie Campbell
Board Member at Large - Toyin Fasakin
Board Member at Large - Vikki Porter
The Board also appointed 4 Board Members for their expertise in various areas::
Tiasha Bera (General)
Blaise Delahoussaye (DeafBlind)
Peter Un (Seniors)
Angela Rogers (Youth)
During the conference, members voted on continuing all mandates from 2019-2021 and voted on 1 new mandate, Establishing a Task Force to focus on Deaf Seniors Issues. For more information on mandates, please look at our website. Members also voted on bylaws amendment proposals and an updated bylaws is on the website.
( SCREEN TRANSITIONED- MDAD GALA FLYER APPEARED on the left for a few seconds on the screen- purple flyer with MDAD GALA written on it with date and time)
MDAD also celebrated its 65th anniversary on April 2, 2022 in Baltimore. Also, the Governor's Office of Deaf and Hard of Hearing (GODHH) joined us to celebrate their 20th anniversary since it was first established by MDAD in 2001. It was a successful event with over 200 people and it was sold out! It was amazing to see everyone after 2 years of being home due to the pandemic. MDAD was recognized and honored by the State Legislature and the Office of Governor.
(SCREEN TRANSITIONED- MDAD SYMPOSIUM FLYER APPEARED on the left for a few seconds on the screen- purplish flyer with MDAD SYMPO written on it with date and time)
We then hosted our Symposium on April 23, 2022 and it was a successful event. We had amazing workshops by Ms. LeAnne Valentine on Mental Health and Dr. Kara Hunt (Maryland Commission on Civil Rights) on Employment Discrimination. MDAD also voted and sent 4 delegates to the National Association of the Deaf’s Biennial Conference (June 30 - July 4, 2022). Delegates were Tina Joyner, Vikki Porter, Lori Leal, and Bobby Harris. I wanted to thank them for representing MDAD and worked so hard during the Council of Representatives Sessions. For more information on the conference, please go on the NAD’s website.
Last but not the least, MDAD has been working on the Maryland Sign Language Interpreter Licensure (MDIL). I am so proud of the community’s work which included a lot of your input/feedback on the bill. The Bill was passed in the House of Delegates which is a huge accomplishment for us. Unfortunately, the Senate did not vote on it. MDAD is committed to continue the work in the 2023 Legislative Session. We appreciate your continued support as we try to pass the bill next year!
MDAD has been working on mandates and formed committees and I am so proud of the progress that has been made. I will explain more in the next President’s Vlog. If you want to volunteer, please contact the board at board@mdad.tv.
Legislative Awareness Day is coming up on October 10, 2022 in Crownsville. MDAD will be there and looking forward to seeing you all! Please look out for more announcements on future events and feel free to contact the board at board@mdad.tv if you have any questions or concerns.