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Maryland Legislation News

Legislative Bills

Maryland Sign Language Interpreter Licensure - HB 260 and SB 346

Sponsored by Maryland Association of the Deaf

MDIL Website

Maryland General Assembly- HB0260

Maryland General Assembly- SB0346

Open Captioning Movie Bill - HB 264 and SB 400

Sponsored by the Baltimore City Association of the Deaf, Howard County Association of the Deaf, Prince George County Association of the Deaf, and Metro South Asian Deaf Association.

Maryland General Assembly- HB0264

Maryland General Assembly- SB0400

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Other Legislative Bills

Below are some bills that MDAD is currently monitoring. To find out the current status of each bill and itS scheduled hearings, click on the bill's link for more information:

Workers' Compensation - Benefits - Offset and Hearing Loss - HB 590 and SB 377

Maryland General Assembly- HB0590

Maryland General Assembly- SB0377

Health Insurance - Hearing Aids for Adults - Coverage - HB 1145 and SB 397​

Maryland General Assembly- HB1145

Maryland General Assembly- SB0397

Health Occupations – Practice Audiology – Definition - HB 401 and SB 449

Maryland General Assembly- HB0401

Maryland General Assembly- SB0449

Public Schools - Dual Language Education - Teacher Certification, Program Implementation, and Study - HB 0056 and SB 389

Maryland General Assembly- HB0056

Maryland General Assembly- SB0389

Fire Protection and Prevention – Sprinkler Systems and Smoke Alarms - HB 1292 and SB 970 

Maryland General Assembly- HB1292

Maryland General Assembly- SB0970

Drunk Driving Offenses - Ignition Interlock System Program - HB 0451 and SB 528 

Maryland General Assembly- HB0451

Maryland General Assembly- HB0528

Sales and Use Tax - Exemption for Hearing Aid Products - HB 925

Maryland General Assembly- HB0925

Social Workers - Licensure Examinations - Moratorium and Workgroup - SB 871 

Maryland General Assembly- SB871

State Board of Social Work Examiners - Temporary License to Practice Social Work - SB 872 

Maryland General Assembly- SB872

Legislative Bills

Co-Navigation Services for DeafBlind

SB 185 and HB 98

Sponsored by Metro Washington Association of the DeafBlind and Maryland Association of the Deaf


Commission on Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing

SB 1084 and HB 1069

Sponsored by Maryland Association of the Deaf


Open Captioning Movies Bill

SB 92 and HB 426

Sponsored by Baltimore City Association of the Deaf, Howard County Association of the Deaf, Prince George's County Association of the Deaf, and Metro South Asians Deaf Association

Supported by Maryland Association of the Deaf







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